Understanding the Urgent Need


Electricity is the lifeblood of our modern society, powering our homes, industries, and transportation systems.

Over the decades, the significance of this energy source has been underscored, along with growing concerns about its environmental impact. 

As we work towards meeting climate and energy goals and addressing the energy crisis that began in autumn 2021, a profound transformation of our energy system is imperative. 

Reducing global carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions to net zero by 2050 is necessary to limit the long‐term increase in average global temperatures to 1.5 °C. Today, coal-fired power generation is the largest single source of CO2 emissions. They are responsible for 72% of the CO2 emitted for electricity production.

Therefore, tackling emissions from this sector is critical to achieving the goal. National governments, subnational jurisdictions, coalitions and many large corporations have announced coal phase-out pledges and net zero targets: the Coal Fired Plants will be stopped progressively to leave space to alternative productions.

The rise of renewable energies, such as solar and wind power, is the major response to these concerns.

Storabelle’s Mission

Storabelle aims to modernize decommissioned coal power plants into a massive renewable and low-carbon energy storage system

Impact on Grid

Renewable energies offer numerous advantages. They are abundant, sustainable, greenhouse gases free and widely available, reducing our dependence on fossil fuels.

However, they come with significant drawbacks: First of them being  the intermittency. The sun doesn’t shine 24/7, and the wind blows variably. This variability creates challenges for the stability of the electrical grid: voltage fluctuations and risk of power outages. Conversely, green energy sources can sometimes produce a surplus of electricity, especially during periods of strong wind or intense sunlight. This excess energy can strain the grid, also causing overloads and instability.

Environmental impact

The dismantling of old Coal Power Plants will leave polluted soils that will have to be decontaminated before being able to be reused. Due to the high costs involved, many plants will become Industrial Wastelands.

Installing new facilities will demand new areas, new surfaces that will need permits and authorizations. This will be detrimental to the environment’s biodiversity.
Rare materials demand and premature end of life recycling will have to be tackled.

Social impact

The planned closure of coal-fired power plants carries significant negative societal consequences. Environmentally, while it leads to a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions and improved air quality, it can also result in economic challenges. The closure often leads to job losses and economic hardship for communities dependent on coal mining and power generation.

Economical impact

For decades, market economy and capitalism have been the driving forces behind economic growth, progress, and an unprecedented rise in living standards in human history. However, today, they are being accused of being responsible for climate change. The essential energy revolution will require the implementation of new technological means, demanding substantial investments that may not yield immediate financial returns. 

The costs of these investments will have to be minimal, in terms of CAPEX, OPEX and recycling process.

Storabelle’s Mission

Storabelle aims to modernize decommissioned pollutating power plants

Storabelle aims to modernize decommissioned coal power plants into a massive renewable and low-carbon energy storage system: replacing the boiler with an electric charging system and a molten salt thermal storage system, along with a steam generator, connected to the existing discharge system.